On behalf of everyone at St Johns Vein Center, we extend our most sincere thank you to everyone who...
The New Year is all about the opportunity to start over or even start something new. The most...
Patients searching for treatment options for spider veins, blue veins or varicose veins, often have questions about their...
healthy legs, Jacksonville Vein Specialist, vein specialist
Blue Veins, Chronic Venous Insufficiency, Labial Veins, Restless Leg Syndrome, Spider Veins, Varicose Veins, Vein Conditions
Did you know that some leg vein conditions may be cosmetic, but others can be symptoms of serious...
Varicose veins have long been perceived as a health issue predominantly affecting women, especially older women. However, recent research...
Whether it is kindergarten or college, teachers of all types do a lot of standing. If you are not...
Prevent and treat venous stasis – In this interview, John Lagoutaris MD, Podiatrist at Podiatry Associates of Florida...
blood clots, compression hose, deep vein thrombosis, venous leg ulcers, venous stasis
Chronic Venous Insufficiency, Compression Hose Treatment, Varicose Veins, Venous Leg Ulcers
Everybody wants healthy legs that feel good and look great. While for some of us, this means a...
Since our exposure to celebrities is mostly when they’re primped, polished, photoshopped and perfect, we often forget they...
Eating for good health is a concept you are probably familiar with. While you may be used to eating...